Attendance at San Joaquin is tracked through course expectation completion. If a student fails to complete three blended study assignments, misses three scheduled meetings, or falls behind 60 or more hours in blended study assignments, an evaluation of enrollment will be conducted to determine whether it is in the student’s best interest to continue in blended learning. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure the school, parents and students understand the master agreement, attendance requirements, and consequences if enrollment in the blended learning program were to continue. At the meeting it will be determined if: The student may remain in blended learning The student will remain in blended learning with specific direction to remain in the program. The student will be referred to a traditional program
Current emergency information (including names, employment, addresses, and home/work/cell phone numbers, and email addresses) is imperative for our use in any urgent situation. If this information changes during the school year, please change your contact information directly in the Parent Portal at In the event of an emergency (natural disaster, physical injury, or illness), the school can release your child only to those persons identified on the Emergency Information Card as parent, guardian, or “other persons to contact” as directed by the California Educational Code. You may want to think about who would be picking up your child in the event of a natural disaster (neighbor, etc.) and be sure to list them on your Emergency Information Card.
As important as school attendance and punctuality are for student achievement, students who are ill should remain at home. Students sent to the office with a temperature of 100 degrees or more will be sent home and should remain at home until a normal body temperature is maintained for 24 hours. Office personnel provide minor first aid as needed and we will call 911 for paramedics to respond to any serious emergencies. Students are not to have any medication in their possession, including aspirin or allergy medication. If it is necessary for students to take medication during school hours, the proper forms must be obtained from the front office and completed by parents and physician. All medications must be in the prescription bottle and will be administered by staff according to the physician’s directions. Please contact the front office for more information if needed.
We ask that you take care of all arrangements for the day with your children before they leave for school. Our office staff will not take and deliver phone messages for students. Such messages disrupt the instructional programs and distract students and staff from their jobs. Only emergency messages from parents will be delivered to students in classrooms. Cell phones are permitted at school; however, school board policy requires that they be turned off during the regular school day. The use of cell phones is prohibited during the school day and they will be confiscated and returned only to a parent if used by students during the school day.
Students must park and lock bicycles in the designated bicycle parking area and assume the risk for theft or damage. Bicycle racks are out of bounds during lunch and the school day. California Vehicle Code requires all minors to wear a helmet and to obey all traffic regulations when riding any vehicle to and from school. Bicycle riding is prohibited on the campus, sidewalks, parking lot, and/or bus-loading zone. Additionally, scooters, roller blades, skates, skateboards, and heelys are not allowed on campus at any time. To set an example for our students, we ask all parents who ride to school on bicycles to comply with these safety policies as well.
To utilize the computers and local area network at San Joaquin, students and their parent are required to annually read and affirm agreement with our Technology Use Agreement. Please discuss school expectations with regard to technology, consequences for misuse of equipment, and the trust and responsibility associated with access to the Internet. Failure to adhere to this contract may result in disciplinary action and restricted use of technology while at school. Computers are to be used solely for academic use. Games and downloads are not allowed at school. All internet sites must be school appropriate
Students are expected to dress appropriately for a learning environment. There are a wide range of available clothing styles that reflect a positive attitude and appearance. Dress that is hazardous, slanderous, disruptive in any way to the learning environment, or makes reference to substances illegal for school age children is prohibited. Bandannas, excessively baggy or sagging clothes, exposed under-garments, or articles of clothing that emulate any “gang” type appearance are not permitted. Apparel, jewelry, accessories, notebooks, or manners of grooming that disrupt school operations or are associated with a group that advocates or commits unlawful acts are prohibited. Halter tops, midriffs, tank tops with shoulder straps less than 2 inches wide, exposed undergarments, or clothing that is revealing or provocative is not permitted. Shorts and skirts should be long enough to remain appropriate when engaging in physical activities. Stomachs and shoulders must be covered at all times. Students need to wear shoes that are comfortable with closed toed shoes for all PE activities. If students are dressed inappropriately, the parent will be contacted by the teacher or front office to bring a change of clothing.
All students have the right to attend school without fear of harassment, intimidation or insult. Any behavior that contributes to a hostile environment, interferes with a student’s scholastic performance, or prevents a student’s full enjoyment of education opportunity will not be tolerated and should be reported immediately to school staff. (Refer to the Education Code Provisions–Parent Notification available in the school’s front office.)
Honesty is a moral quality highly valued by the Irvine Unified School District. Though opportunities exist for students to be less than totally honest, dishonesty and cheating is to be abhorred in all its forms – plagiarism, record tampering, cheating on exams, copying homework. The school and the professional staff at all levels shall assume responsibility for developing a climate clearly espousing honesty. School practices shall be designed to reward honest behavior, discourage dishonest behavior, take reasonable preventative measures, and protect the rights of the majority of students who are consistently honest. Promoting honest behavior is a responsibility shared by the school and the home. The school will work with parents in the development of school practices and in the resolution of individual student situations.
Personal items such as radios, electronic games, iPODs, toys, playground equipment, and items that cause distraction are not permitted on campus at all. If a school activity requires that such an item needs to be brought to school, a teacher's prior approval is necessary. If a student brings any of these items to school without permission, the item will be confiscated and held in the office until the parent claims it. Under no circumstances are alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia, knives, guns, replica guns, or other weapons permitted on campus. Students in possession of the above items will be suspended and/or expelled from school. Suspension and Expulsion The Irvine Unified School District enforces a Policy of
The following violations will result in immediate suspension and a determination of further action that may result in expulsion proceedings: Fighting or threats of fighting/physical harm Harassment toward others Possession of any firearm (including replicas), knives, explosives or other dangerous objects Possession, use, sale, or supplying of controlled substance or under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant Possession, offer, arranged or negotiated sell of drug paraphernalia Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion Assault or battery upon any school employee Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property Stolen or attempt to steal school or private property Knowingly received stolen school or private property Possession or use of tobacco or tobacco products Commit an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity Any of the above cited acts occurring to or from school, at school, or at a school activity may lead to suspension and/or expulsion.
School phones are used by teachers and staff members for school business. Students, in emergencies and only under staff supervision, may be allowed to use school phones after asking for permission from an adult. Students may use the office phone before school and after school. Our office staff will not take and deliver phone messages for students. Such messages can disrupt the instructional programs. Only emergency messages from parents will be delivered to students in classrooms. Cell phones are permitted at school. However, school board policy requires that they be turned off during the regular school day. The use of cell phones is prohibited during the school day and they will be confiscated and returned only to a parent if used by students during the school day.