Director's Message

We are so excited to welcome everyone to the Creekside High School.  As we come together from all over our school district, Creekside High School is a wonderful place for students to learn and grow.  We want your students to know that they are valued, appreciated and the most important part of our school.  Creekside is a very special place with a staff committed to supporting each the unique needs of each student academically and socio-emotionally to ensure that each student is successful.

Our school community values positive academic and social growth, believes in a rigorous well-rounded education, values diversity, and looks out for the best interest of children. The overarching vision of Creekside is to empower students as lifelong learners, to acquire, demonstrate and value the knowledge and skills needed to participate in and contribute to the global world and embody the core values of commitment, honors and self direction. 

In Irvine Unified School District, we promise to provide the highest quality educational experience we can envision. We evaluate our effects on student learning and achievement by focusing on evidence of student learning. IUSD educators acknowledge the importance of many different types of assessments, or multiple measures, as part of a balanced assessment system in determining our effect.

This is a time of great potential and promise for our students.  At Creekside High School we recognize that we have been given a huge responsibility. Our educational platform is designed to allow students to access a rigorous curriculum that meets the standards of our district as well as the unique needs of each student.  

We have an unwavering belief in the greatness of Creekside High School and each and every one of our students and staff.  We want to thank you in advance for your support.


Thank you,

Rebecca Roberts, Ed.D.

Creekside Education Center

Director, Alternative Education