Dear Parents/Guardians,
Did you know your student can earn college credits while they’re in high school?
Irvine Valley College is offering tuition free courses through their College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Dual Enrollment program. Program information can be found HERE
Students will want to enroll today. Some of the courses are already filling up!
Fall 2023 Semester Courses with Room Include:
So…. here’s the information you need to know:
Benefits of Earning College Credits in High School
● SAVE MONEY! These courses are FREE for IUSD high school students
● Many courses transfer to University of California and/or California State Universities.
● Students taking these courses will either start their first college transcript or add to their college transcript if they’ve already taken college courses.
● Students who access college-level courses gain a competitive edge in the college application process and are able to matriculate to college with earned college credits, saving time and money in their post-secondary education and pursuits.
Students follow the four steps below to start earning college credits at IVC and use this form to track your login information: Tracking Form
1. Create an OpenCC account
2. Apply online to Irvine Valley College for Fall Semester 2023
3. Submit your K12 Special Admission Request for IUSD CCAP Courses
4. Enroll. Your high school will give you an Add Permit Code (APC) that you will use to self-enroll on or after their registration date
IVC Grades:
Grades received in IVC CCAP dual enrollment courses will appear on an official IVC transcript, and can be reported by students when applying to colleges and universities. IUSD posts CCAP dual enrollment grades for record-keeping purposes only under Grade 13 in Aeries, and these do not appear on your official high school transcript nor factor into your high school gpa or provide credits towards graduation.
Have more questions?
You can contact a dual enrollment specialist in the IVC Admissions and Records office: Robert Melendez: rmelendez@iusd.org
Or check with your high school counselor if you require assistance HERE